Thursday, November 27, 2008

The current financial crisis in the United States is Keynesian to the core. Sad to say, but most Christian professors are Keynsians; and so, in an effort to dissuade them we offer the following.

Keynes; hero or villain - an audio lecture by Murray Rothbard

Quotes and comments;

1. Keynes didn't like principles...
2. Keynes didn't like individual rights...
3. Keynes focused on the present, and ignored the future.
4. Keynes believed an elite should rule the masses...
5. Born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
6. Due to the influence of his rich father, he'd only had one course in economics when he began lecturing in economics!
7. Was a member of the secret group 'the apostles' (most if not all were homosexuals.)
8. Was big on dominating people; often brutally...
9. Claimed homosexuals were superior to heterosexuals.
10. Engaged in a savage attack on family life. (And yet he's a favorite with the 'christian' clergy.)
11. Was against any general rules; especially ethical (i.e. do whatever the hell you can get away with...)
12. Agreed with fellow 'apostle' George Moore, who said 'we should spread scepticism till people feel they can know nothing at all....'
- "Moore made moral behavior unnecessary," vaunted Keynes.
13. Keynes claimed he was an immoralist.
- these repellent characters talked endlessly about their attack on 'bourgeois morality' (i.e. Biblical ethics)
14. Was an enemy of the gold standard (claimed ''it was a relic of the past when governments were less trustworthy'' :=)
15. He attacked the very idea of truth... and called it a mere bias.
- had no respect for the truth, and lied constantly.
16. As a pragmatist he flip flopped on issues... as his goal was always simply power.
17. Claimed he was the first one to care about unemployment (ie. a complete fabrication; Hayek for one was working on it.)

My summary of Keynsianism;
- Christians in our day (at least in n.a.) have a too narrow conception of what economics is. Having been misled by the media and by the Statist (Keynsian) school system, they tend to think of economics as a matter of GDP, interest rates, unemployment rates, stock market indexes and the like. They see economics as basically a collection of statistics and of numerical relationships. This is the view of economics pushed by politicians (and their tag team partners) the Statist professors. (The classic formulation is the textbook by Paul Samuelson.) This mathematical view of economics (where people are treated like numbers, or as if they were numbers) is taught to young students in an effort to persuade them of the legitimacy of government programs, that are sold on the basis of what can only be called number magic. (eg. the interest rate should be x, because the inflation rate is y, and the stock market is up or down so much so the interest rates need to go up by some magic ratio, etc. The examples are numerous.
The political elite love this because they can get people to accept their [fascist] legislation on the basis of the need to get into some kind of numerical harmony. The State needs to control money and banking the public is told, because some entity is needed to maintain this number magic. [ie. the road to hell is paved with economic equations]
Christians used to know better than to fall for the idea economics was simply about numbers; and about treating people like numbers. (ie. as if they were all the same.) What is now called economics used to be called (if memory serves correct) moral economy.This was a much broader view of economics; with economics seen as dealing with the relationships people had with each other in the broadest sense; it was a matter of morality; ie. christian morality; and thus 'thou shalt not steal' was a keystone of economics. It dealt with people, not with numbers; people were individuals, not impersonal integers. [Modern economics is a sad example of scientism; ie. the idea people should be treated as if they were physical objects; eg. rocks.
- cheap and easy money has totally warped our society... cheap money means cheap morality.... it leads to consumerism, hedonism, etc. It leads to irresponsible behavior, to waste, to over consumption (of needless, useless, junk, etc.)
- cheap money means high oil prices, high agro prices, etc. (When the pols flood the world with paper dollars, this 'money' has to go somewhere.... and it raises prices for a lot of things.)
- paper money makes the rich richer and the 'poor' poorer... it allows the elite to steal money from economic producers, and from the 'average' person.
- paper money creates bubbles... (both financial, and social)
- paper money creates an 'unreal' social outlook.... (with morals and ethics as phoney as paper money...) We not only have paper money, we have a 'paper' culture; tissue thin... with countries full of disposable people. (If you have a wallet full of paper you can use people like they were kleenex.) Social fads and fiat money go together like Wall St. and gangsterism.
- fiat money allows the pols to manipulate people; to herd them in the direction they want them to go. (eg. if you want some phenomenon to happen, you just dump paper money on it... and people will stampede in that direction... if you want x to stop you stop dumping paper bills on it. (Fiat money is the velvet glove the pols use to beat people with.)

1. A Christian response to Keynes, and his Christian defenders is - 'Baptized Inflation' by Ian Hodge
- the 3 dollar bill on the cover is a classic; whenever I think of this jackass [Keynes] I think of his picture on a three dollar bill.
2. A great audio lecture on Keynes, is; 'Keynes and the new economics of Fascism' - by Joseph Salerno
[The sixth in a series of ten lectures, presented at the "Austrian School of Economics: Revisionist History and Contemporary Theory" seminar, hosted by the Mises Institute. Recorded 06/08/2005 [1:27:38]
- scroll down the page.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Doug French; Bubbles made of money, then and now - free audio at

Quotes and comments

1. This is a great commentary on current economic delusions in the U.S. (or should that be the u.s.)?
2. A lot of the lecture concerns John Law. (Father of fiat, paper money banking.)
- there's a great book on John Law; I read it but can't remember the title.
3. After getting a big inheritance, Law lived it up, got addicted to gambling... etc.
- killed a man in a duel
- spent 14 years gambling his way across Europe...
4. An entertaining, humorous lecture.
America's Slow-Motion Fascist Coup - Lew Rockwell interviews Naomi Wolf

Quotes and comments;

1. 50 minute interview. A kind of 'funny' with a Libertarian talking to a Left winger (some kind of Chomsky type socialist?) talking about all they agree on, and nothing they dont' agree on :=)
- I agree with a lot of what they say; but don't think either of them has the answer.
- it's an interesting interview; and I enjoyed it.

1. Addendum; now that the Democrats have won the election, I don't think we'll hear too much from Ms. Wolf on this subject again. (I hope I'm proven wrong.)